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The 16 secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

 The 16 

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Forget tail-biting diets. Write down the keys that will help you lose weight without dieting and reach your ideal weight and maintain it effortlessly.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Get out of the loop

If in your life there is a "seesaw" of 2-4 kilos. If you feel that you spend the year in a vicious cycle of diets: Operation bikini - summer excesses - diet back from vacation - Christmas lags - New Year's resolutions to lose weight ... This post is just what you need. With these tricks to lose weight without dieting, you will lose weight and keep it off.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Drink water when you wake up

As soon as you wake up, before having breakfast, have a glass of water: essential to hydrate your body after hours of sleep and a great remedy to activate the toxin elimination mechanisms.
And don't forget to keep drinking throughout the day. Here are tricks to drink more water (without realizing it).

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Add chickpeas to your salad

Legumes are rich in protein. Adding about 80 g of chickpeas increases the nutritional value of the salad, making it a unique hungry dish. Like vegetables, you should also have protein at every meal. And vegetable proteins in legumes have the advantage over meat or fish of being low in fat. If you don't know how to incorporate them into your menus, take note of the recipes you can make with a pot of chickpeas.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Snacking, the mega trick not to bite

As the idea is to have an early meal –before 3 in the afternoon–, having a snack in the middle of the afternoon helps us not to peck or arrive at dinner wanting to devour a cow with a cowbell, or eat dinner while it we are preparing. So separating your dinners to incorporate a bite will make it a lot simpler for you to shed pounds.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

An apple before meals

The Australian Society for the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity states that many overweight people consume the majority of their daily calories in 20 minutes. In the event that you start suppers with a solid apple – a few carrots–, as it compels you to bite and a chunk of time must pass, at that point you eat not exactly on the off chance that you start with lasagna, and accordingly you wind up devouring less calories.

secret tricks to lose weight

Vegetables with pasta ...

Instead of pasta with vegetables. By exchanging the amounts of these two foods, you will be satisfied earlier, take longer to get hungry again, and eat 200 to 300 kcal less. The ideal is to consolidate vegetables into all dishes, as the fundamental fixing or as an embellishment.
secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Swap the butter for the avocado

Substitute a tablespoon of ready avocado for the margarine on the toast. In addition to gaining health thanks to its heart-healthy fat content, you will be taking in fewer calories. You can also substitute the butter for a mashed ripe banana, to which you can add pieces of chopped nuts or a little cocoa powder. For more avocado ideas and recipes, take a look here.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Keep the cookie box out of your sight

Put temptations, sweet and salty, out of your reach. Opt for healthy snacks (fruit, yogurt, a 40g mini snack, a handful of nuts, a few carrot sticks, celery, etc.). And occasionally, indulge yourself - a muffin, some cookies, and ice cream, some potato chips, etc. - fully enjoying the moment.

secret tricks to lose weight

The best engine: your legs

According to experts, walking two and a half hours a week (or 30 minutes a day) increases weight loss by 25%. Traveling on foot (or by bicycle) speeds up your metabolism, activates the burning of calories, and makes you arrive at your destination in a better mood. To burn even more and tone your legs and glutes, forget about using the elevator or the escalator.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Yes to the Tupperware!

If you eat out, prepare tuppers with homemade food with balanced and delicious recipes like Clara's. You will have a 26% lower risk of obesity than if you eat at the restaurant or precooked strips. Discover the best meals to take to work.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

If it has fewer ingredients, the better

Having little food makes digestion easier and does not cause gas or bloating. But so that you do not get hungry, they should be light but dense. What do we mean by dense? Well, soup is not the same as cream, for example. A soup made with two or three vegetables is light food, but it does not take away hunger because it is all liquid. On the other hand, a heavy cream like this with the same vegetables is light but has the necessary density to leave you satiated.
secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Go for dark chocolate

If chocolate is irreplaceable for you, choose black. With it you can satisfy your palate with a sweet touch and it is not as caloric as milk chocolate. Opt for the purest version (minimum 80%), which is free of sugar, milk and nuts. Drink no more than 1 or 2 ounces a day.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Homemade, non-industrial tomato sauce

Industrial sauces, in addition to a lot of salt, contain a large amount of sugar that adds calories to your dishes.Ketchup is the most limit case, coming to up to 4 g of sugar and 20 calories for every tablespoon (which is comparable to a tablespoon of table sugar). Therefore, it is preferable that you make the sauce at home. You can likewise decide to grind the tomato and add oregano, pepper, or different flavors that you like.

secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Dinner with the computer off

According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, light from devices such as television or computers can alter the levels of melatonin, a hormone that participates in energy metabolism. In addition, it has been seen that the more attention you pay to your plate, the less likely you are to overeat.
secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Not all nuts

Be careful with the bags of nuts, they are usually salty and fried, so they provide a lot of salt, unhealthy fats and a large amount of calories. To be eaten as a snack, best raw and unsalted. Find out if you can eat nuts on a diet.
secret tricks to lose weight without dieting

Advance dinner time

A study from the Pennington Center for Biomedical Research (USA) shows that making dinner early makes us burn more fat during the night. And the ideal, in addition, is that the dinner is light, that it includes vegetables, meat or fish and some dairy products and is poor in cereals (bread, pasta, potatoes).

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